1964 - Six Aerospace companies agree to exchange information on supplier performance.
1966 - Number of companies Increases to 12.
1967 - Principles and Bylaws developed and approved establishing the Coordinated Aerospace Supplier Evaluation, "CASE" Association.
1973 - Nuclear Power Generation Section at Large formed. Name revised to Coordinating Agency for Supplier Evaluation (CASE Association)
1983 - Air Carriers and Ship Builders Sections at Large established.
1984 - FAA approves the Air Carrier's Audit Sharing Program.
1989 - Marine Section combined with Aerospace Section to form Aerospace & Marine Systems Section.
1990 - Development of new on-line computer system authorized.
1991 - C.A.S.E. Incorporated with new Bylaws.
1992 - Computer system implemented in August.
1993 - Aeronautical Repair Station Section at Large formed.
1994 - Airline Suppliers at Large Section formed.
1995 - C.A.S.E. Register reproduced and distributed in electronic format. Production of "Register" in book form suspended.